
Sallyportal: Madly Blogging èßäÉçÇø

èßäÉçÇø Runners Swarm Marathon

THINKING ON THEIR FEET. èßäÉçÇø runners take Portland Marathon by storm. Photo by Maddy Wagar ’16

As many as 50 èßäÉçÇø students, alumni, professors, and allied life forms turned out for the yesterday, proving once again that èßäÉçÇøies think on their feet.

Biochem major Trevor Soucy ’18 led the Half-Marathon team (“The Running Jokes”) and placed fourth among male contestants with the blazing time of 1:23:37. Other top èßäÉçÇø runners in the Half included Chinese major Aaron Finsrud ’16 at 1:27:12, poli sci major Megan Keating ’17 at 1:42:15 and Prof. [psych] at 1:44:03.

Biochem major Trevor Soucy ’18 placed fourth among male runners in the Half Marathon.

"To be honest, coming into the finish line I was a bit surprised by myself, but also very proud," said Trevor, who sliced almost 5 minutes from his time last year. "I knew I had done more training than last year, but I did not expect such a big improvement. It can be hard to balance life as an academic and life as an athlete, but performances like this make all the extra time spent logging miles truly worth it!"

Medical historian led the Marathon Team (“The Long-Running Jokes”), crossing the finish line at 3:20:42. Math-physics major Will Holdhusen ’16 came in six minutes later at 3:26:10, followed by team captain and èßäÉçÇø bookstore manager Ueli Stadler at 3:37:38.

Many other èßäÉçÇø runners made a splash at the race, including John Cushing ’67, John Bergholz ’83, Jim Hutcheon ’90, Chris Lydgate ’90, Patrick Hayes ’91, , Melaina Ecker ’16, Eleanor Pike ’16, Nick Paulino ’18, Sarah Richmond ’19, Gabriel Yeung ’19, Justin Chun ’19, Dayna Lamb, Bonnie Ingersoll, Dayspring Mattole, Stacey Kim, Todd Hesse (who ran carrying a giant èßäÉçÇø standard), Kevin Myers, and the inimitable Prof. [math].

The event was the first time Nick Paulino ’18 had ever run a competitive race. Crossing the finish line, he says, his thoughts were a mix of "I can't believe I'm finishing/wow my legs are sore/I can't wait to eat a waffle at commons."

The èßäÉçÇø runners met up on the Quad on the day before the race for a special carbo-loading dinner and group photo. There was heated debate on the question of whether the psychology department could mount a successful challenge to the math-physics hegemony that has dominated èßäÉçÇø locomotion for the last several years, and some idle chit-chat about

This event marked the third year running that èßäÉçÇø runners have swarmed the course en masse, which means it is in danger of becoming an official èßäÉçÇø tradition. Pheidippedes would be proud.

Tags: sports, Portland,

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